
Complete email marketing system


Mailing marketing


PHP, Symfony

Year of implementation


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Let's email

Let's start with an example: It's Sunday night, you own an online housekeeping store, you're watching the evening news and the President's message about the sudden coronavirus pandemic. Fortunately, a week ago you made an order for disinfectants (pure coincidence), you know that now everyone will be happy to stock up on this type of product. You also have a data set of e-mail addresses of existing customers (who have agreed to receive marketing messages), but how to inform customers that you have a large stock of the now desired goods?


Just send an email to each of them encouraging them to buy the disinfectant in your store. A simple matter? Not necessarily, especially when your customer list is beyond your Twitter post limit and you already have several thousand?


One thing is for sure, you won't do it right with your corporate email.

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Mass mailing of emails

In such a situation, a complete email marketing system developed by our company that supports mass mailing of emails even to thousands of recipients comes in handy. 

Efficient preparation of the content is facilitated by the content editor based on repetitive and editable blocks, and the entire activity can be verified on an ongoing basis thanks to the "live preview" mechanism in which we can observe how the message changes during editing and how it will be displayed on the recipient's phone or in the e-mail client . If we have different groups of clients, we can use the mechanism of mailing lists and properly group our recipients, e.g. in terms of the industry, and differentiate the messages sent in terms of their content. 


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Certainly, the statistics mechanism offers very interesting possibilities, firstly, we have the option of embedding Google Analytics tracking tags so that all visits to our website are properly marked on GA statistics, secondly, we have the option of using the built-in statistics mechanism, offering feedback on the display of e-mail messages by the recipient, information about clicking on any link in its content and displaying a preview of the message in the browser if the message could not be displayed correctly in the e-mail client. 

Let's just add that the message sending process is carried out in such a way that your messages are not considered spam, we will make sure that the sending is carried out in stages, even from different email accounts and different IP addresses.

So, maybe you need our Newsletter :) ?

Reach your customers with your products at the right time.

Have an idea? Let's talk about your project.